Galle Municipal Council is the third Municipal council in Sri Lanka after Colombo and Kandy cities.Galle Municipal Council first Mayor was Mr. W.Dhahanayake he was able to become the 5th Prime minister of SriLanka.The land area of the city is about 16.5km and it is bordered by the sea from south & southwest. The city is situated within the wet zone of the country with an average rain fall between 1525-1900 mm per year. It's daily temperature is between 28°C-30°C. In early years the Galle city located along with Natural Harbour made it an important place for the industry. But tourism, fisheries and trade are major sources of income today. Galle City is the one of World Heritage city in SriLanka.The main language of Galle city is Sinhala and the religion is Buddhism.
ආබාධ සහිත පුද්ගලයන්ගේ හා කාන්තාවන්ගේ යෝජනා හා පැමිණිලි භාර ගැනීමේ ඒකකය.
091-2248827 - ප්රජා සංවර්ධන අංශය (ගාල්ල මහා නගර සභාව)